Hi, I’m Nathan Westwick.

I’m a bit of a mystic–I like to make connections between the intersections of faith and real life – they’re more apparent than you might think! I love to point out where these two places meet, because it’s in those places of intersection where we find our hearts come most alive.

With an academic background in engineering and abstract mathematics and 25+ years of walking with God daily, I’ve discovered that my gift is to take the complex things and make them simple, giving others tools, resources, and inspiration to do the same in their lives. I consider myself a tour guide for others in their life journey, helping them see the possibilities and potential of realizing their own gifts and calling. And I make stuff–whether it’s businesses, books, presentations/speeches, great coffee, or even BBQ!

I invite you to journey with me. Follow my blog, read my book, try my coffee – or reach out directly to start a conversation!  I may end up inspiring you to make your own book, start your own business, or heck–maybe even start BBQing! And chances are, I may even make you laugh along the way.

I look forward to journeying together…

Introducing my new book!

Clearing the Path: Connecting with God in a Cluttered World

Do you ever find yourself feeling like God is distant? What if that could change? 

Grab a copy of the book on Amazon or listen on Audible today!


Wild Goose Coffee Roasters