All tagged Desperation

Gideon Part 1: Arise, Mighty Warrior!

Imagine living in an agricultural society, working hard to grow crops to feed your family, only to have those crops stolen again and again, with your family left to go hungry. Understandably, this would wear on a person, and you would likely rise up in anger, seeking to enact justice on those who are stealing from you.

But imagine that those stealing from you are much more powerful, much more forceful, and any time someone tries to speak up or fight for their rights, they get squashed so that the rest of the community will get the message and fall back in line.

This is the environment Gideon grew up in.

His solution? He hid.

Where is your hope?

Well here we are, a few days removed from the election, and no clear-cut winner. Personally, this comes as no surprise – something about 2020 just feels like this is right on par for everything else that’s happened this year.

But as I look around, I notice an interesting phenomenon: I see more people than ever before, genuinely fearful about what will happen if the other side wins.

Two years ago, almost to the day, my wife and I had the privilege of visiting the isle of Iona in Scotland. What stood out to us, other than the incredible beauty of this small island, was a small abbey perched along the southeastern shore.

This abbey was built by St. Columba sometime after he landed on the island in 563 AD after fleeing persecution in his home country of Ireland.

In front of the abbey stands St. Martin’s cross, built around 800 AD.

Time is Running Out...

So this is what it feels like to have your back against the wall…

I promised in my last post that I would keep you all updated on the progress as we transition into a new location for our roasting facility.  So please forgive the tone of what I’m about to say.  After all, it’s 2am and I haven’t slept a wink tonight