All in Good vs. Evil

Does God Even Care?

This weekend, I attended a funeral service for a child who never got the chance to take her first breath. She was near full-term, but never got the chance to meet her parents or her grandparents. She will never get to see a sunrise, experience laughter, or have her feet tickled while she giggles.

Now, I know a common question is: Why would God allow something like this to happen?

Standing in the Face of Fear

It is in places like these where I feel God’s strong presence – perhaps because it is in that tension between peace and violence that God seems to exist most tangibly to me. There is something about that tension – like we’ve left the feel-good, storybook narrative and entered into something more risky, more wild, more… real.

A Blessed Mess

Take a brief moment out of your day today and look around at the people in your midst, particularly if you’re in a public place.

As you glance around, make an effort to look into each person’s inner being – in a non-creepy way, of course, because people get arrested for being creepy, and we certainly don’t want that.

But take a look.  What do you observe?

What I see is complex and conflicted human beings.

Let Love Rule

We had no idea Las Vegas was about to happen.


We recently released our latest coffee t-shirt, and as you can see from the picture, it has nothing to do with coffee.

We wanted to go with something simple; a message we could all rally behind, and so we went with “Love People”.

We figured it was time to get back to the basics—that we all can lean in directions opposite of loving people from time to time, and so we thought a tangible reminder wouldn’t be so bad.

Because loving people is one of the more difficult tasks we have.

Find Your Harp

The other morning was a dark one for me.

I didn’t have any particular reason for finding myself in the state of mind I was in, but I noticed it begin to overpower me as I drove in to work; the closer I got, the more I found myself filling up with a dark and dangerous anger.

I’m aware that anger grows from seeds that are real, but it tends to grow in a manner that is completely aggrandizing and often disproportionate to reality.

And that anger, when left unchecked, can lead to some very dark places.

How My Family and I Were Nearly Robbed on Vacation

I don’t know if you’re like me at all in this, but any time we have designated time set aside for a family trip, I allow my expectations to get the better of me.

For example, before we ever leave, I set in my mind a certain agenda that needs to be followed.  Not a traditional agenda, mind you, where certain appointments need to be kept, but an emotional agenda that looks something like this:

When Terror Strikes Close to Home

Today has been a surreal day to say the least…

What started off as a sleepless night thanks to my son’s incessant vomiting quickly morphed into stomach pain of a different sort on my end—that kind that leaves you in distanced denial at first, and then hovers loudly overhead in the form of police helicopters and SWAT vehicles a block from where I was earlier this evening