All in Leadership

An Open Letter to My Three Sons

To My Dear Boys,

It’s a different world than the one I grew up in.  A very different world.

In some ways, it’s a much better world.  But in a lot of ways things are pretty rough.  Hatred abounds, whether between the sexes, between nations, between ideologies, between races.  It’s everywhere, boys.  It plays out on social media, on the news, and in classrooms and playgrounds.

Avoid hatred at all costs, sons.  It is everywhere, but it doesn’t have to be inside of you.

Why Politicians Continue to Let Us Down

Election season.

Political signs on every corner, my mailbox stuffed with political propaganda, a list of presidential candidates that gets people from all political persuasions fired up out of fear, hatred, angst—all with an increased level of voter apathy among the younger generations.

Why such a furor?

I think it’s because we feel like we’re continually being let down by our elected officials.   It can be due to shady morals, untrustworthy actions, or simply unfulfilled promises.

But is it possible that we get let down because we allow our hopes to get too high?