Posts tagged Being a Light
Let's Stop Being Angry

It seems that everywhere I look these days, I come across people who are angry.

Not like, irritated angry, but deep-down-inside angry.

The kind of anger that surfaces when things aren’t going quite right, when we’re downright sick and tired of how things are—that kind of anger that arises out of discontentment of the soul.

I see it in our presidential election, I see it on social media, in the news, in my friends, and in my own personal relationships.

So I have to ask:  Why?

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An Open Letter to My Three Sons

To My Dear Boys,

It’s a different world than the one I grew up in.  A very different world.

In some ways, it’s a much better world.  But in a lot of ways things are pretty rough.  Hatred abounds, whether between the sexes, between nations, between ideologies, between races.  It’s everywhere, boys.  It plays out on social media, on the news, and in classrooms and playgrounds.

Avoid hatred at all costs, sons.  It is everywhere, but it doesn’t have to be inside of you.

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