All in Business

When a Loved One Moves Away

I hate saying goodbye.  I mean, I’ve learned to be really good at it, almost to the point where I shut off my emotions and just say a warm, but heart-guarded adieu, but last week I had the opportunity to watch my brother pull off in his moving van as he headed two states east and by most measures, I didn’t handle it well…

On Being A Christian Businessman

It’s time for a small confession: I struggle with being a “Christian Businessman”.   The struggle isn’t a moral one, as in “am I making decisions that are full of integrity, or God-honoring”. The struggle isn’t a business one, as in, “am I giving enough of our profits away to those in need”.

On Story

A few years ago I was invited to speak at a fundraiser dinner for the Cal State University, San Bernardino School of Business.  Hosted by the Ontario Convention Center, it was an event highlighting social entrepreneurs in the area, with the thematic title, “Start Something That Matters”.