One Silent Night...

I was sitting in our Christmas Eve service today, singing the words to Silent Night when it hit me. And it hit me hard.

I was picturing this scene of utter serenity: a mom aglow with pure love for her newborn, people gathering around this swaddled child in holy reverence. Stillness. Silence. A child sleeping in heavenly peace.

And then…

The sudden interruption of images of this child’s final days. Being hit. Slapped in the face. Spit upon. 

Nails through his hands. A crown of thorns on his head.

And then back to the baby… sleeping in his mother’s arms, shepherds gathering around after the angelic announcement. A silent, holy night.

This baby, born to die—this baby changes everything. This baby, whose sole purpose was to live the perfect life, died the horrendous death—all so we could live. 

All so we could experience peace. All so we could experience, not just a silent and holy night, but a peaceful and holy eternity, starting today.

As we celebrate the birth of the Holy One this Christmas, may we be reminded that He came to die, so that we might live. So that we might experience the joy and peace that only He can bring. 

As you unwrap presents this Christmas, may this practice bring about a newfound and deeply personal experience of the One who gave everything—the ultimate gift. 

Wishing you the merriest of Christmases,
