Posts tagged Faith
One Silent Night...

I was sitting in our Christmas Eve service today, singing the words to Silent Night when it hit me. And it hit me hard.

I was picturing this scene of utter serenity: a mom aglow with pure love for her newborn, people gathering around this swaddled child in holy reverence. Stillness. Silence. A child sleeping in heavenly peace.

And then…

The sudden interruption of images of this child’s final days. Being hit. Slapped in the face. Spit upon. 

Nails through his hands. A crown of thorns on his head.

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Gideon Part 2: The Fleece

Gideon’s fleece may be one of the more colloquially quoted stories that Christians use. You see, Gideon was called out by the angel of God as a mighty warrior—one who would lead Israel against the Midianites (the ones stealing all of their food). But like you or me, Gideon was afraid.

Afraid he might not have what it takes to lead a country in battle. He was a man of faith, but even the mighty warriors feel inadequate when God calls.

It’s what makes us human.

But the good news is that God knows this.

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Book Release Announcement!!


I am thrilled beyond belief to announce that my book, Clearing the Path: Connecting with God in a Cluttered World is now available on Amazon! (Kindle, paperback, hardcover options available, with a special thank-you to Pastor Matt Brown for writing the foreword!)

This book aims to help you connect with God on a deeper level, experiencing being known, seen, and loved by Him, and enjoying the personal transformation that comes as a result. Please share this post with anyone who you think would enjoy this read!

To grab your copy, simply click here!

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Against the Rock

In my last post, I proposed a challenge that essentially suggested we pay less attention to the news (man-made stories) and instead spent a bit more time focusing on the rhythms of nature (God-made stories).

How’d that go for you? Did you manage to make it the entire week? (It’s not too late to take the challenge, by the way; there’s no “late penalty” for this one…)

I know for me personally, I was able to greatly reduce my news intake on a daily basis, and instead spent a little more time connecting with God through prayer, Bible time, and just being outside.

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Does God Even Care?

This weekend, I attended a funeral service for a child who never got the chance to take her first breath. She was near full-term, but never got the chance to meet her parents or her grandparents. She will never get to see a sunrise, experience laughter, or have her feet tickled while she giggles.

Now, I know a common question is: Why would God allow something like this to happen?

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True North (How to Find Perfect Peace)

“You shall have no other Gods before me.”

When I hear this first commandment, something in me is stirred; a stirring that speaks of something magnificent and weighty in its simplicity.

Something that says that if we could get that first commandment right, we might not need the other nine.

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When All Hope Seems Lost

You know the feeling.  That one where you’re up to something good, something that benefits others, and no matter which direction you turn, it seems like all of the forces of nature have been set out specifically against you, with the sole aim of thwarting your efforts?

That’s where the past few days have left me.

Battered, beat down, discouraged, and several times on the verge of sheer hopelessness

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