Posts tagged Nature
Go Take a Hike...

When I was a kid, people used to use that phrase as a send-off, getting rid of someone who was being difficult. At the time, it was considered a rude dismissal and people would get offended.

Funny how times change. When I think of the ways we dismiss people today, I think inviting someone to take a stroll through nature might be one of the kindest things we could do.

Here’s why: When I’m acting belligerent, it’s usually because I’m feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or I feel like life is out of control. I’m acting belligerent because I’m reaching for control of any situations that I might be able to influence—often because I’m feeling that I’ve lost all sense of agency to influence anything.

Can you relate?

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Standing in the Face of Fear

It is in places like these where I feel God’s strong presence – perhaps because it is in that tension between peace and violence that God seems to exist most tangibly to me. There is something about that tension – like we’ve left the feel-good, storybook narrative and entered into something more risky, more wild, more… real.

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Sometimes you have to feel small in order to realize your own importance

If you’re anything like me, you have your good days and your bad days. Days when you feel like things are going well, and others when no matter what you do, nothing seems to quite work out.

And if you’re like me, when all you’ve been doing is GO, GO, GO, emotions can run a bit fragile. 

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