All tagged Finding Peace

Against the Rock

In my last post, I proposed a challenge that essentially suggested we pay less attention to the news (man-made stories) and instead spent a bit more time focusing on the rhythms of nature (God-made stories).

How’d that go for you? Did you manage to make it the entire week? (It’s not too late to take the challenge, by the way; there’s no “late penalty” for this one…)

I know for me personally, I was able to greatly reduce my news intake on a daily basis, and instead spent a little more time connecting with God through prayer, Bible time, and just being outside.

Find Your Harp

The other morning was a dark one for me.

I didn’t have any particular reason for finding myself in the state of mind I was in, but I noticed it begin to overpower me as I drove in to work; the closer I got, the more I found myself filling up with a dark and dangerous anger.

I’m aware that anger grows from seeds that are real, but it tends to grow in a manner that is completely aggrandizing and often disproportionate to reality.

And that anger, when left unchecked, can lead to some very dark places.