Posts tagged Identity
Gideon Part 1: Arise, Mighty Warrior!

Imagine living in an agricultural society, working hard to grow crops to feed your family, only to have those crops stolen again and again, with your family left to go hungry. Understandably, this would wear on a person, and you would likely rise up in anger, seeking to enact justice on those who are stealing from you.

But imagine that those stealing from you are much more powerful, much more forceful, and any time someone tries to speak up or fight for their rights, they get squashed so that the rest of the community will get the message and fall back in line.

This is the environment Gideon grew up in.

His solution? He hid.

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Book Release Announcement!!


I am thrilled beyond belief to announce that my book, Clearing the Path: Connecting with God in a Cluttered World is now available on Amazon! (Kindle, paperback, hardcover options available, with a special thank-you to Pastor Matt Brown for writing the foreword!)

This book aims to help you connect with God on a deeper level, experiencing being known, seen, and loved by Him, and enjoying the personal transformation that comes as a result. Please share this post with anyone who you think would enjoy this read!

To grab your copy, simply click here!

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Stepping Courageously Into Your Next Season

I was shopping recently when a decorative sign caught my eye and stopped me in my tracks. It said: The world needs who you were made to be.

Immediately, tears welled up in my eyes.

I couldn’t help but be made aware of my passion for seeing people realize their full, God-given potential, but that wasn’t what brought the emotion to the surface.

What got me was that the sign seemed to be speaking directly to me.

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Using Our Platform for Good

Last night my family and I attended a concert together.

Well, maybe that’s too generous a statement. We all know that in 2020, “attended a concert together” means we all sat on the couch watching a livestream video while being distracted by our dog’s silly antics.

But hey – in 2020, we take what we can get, right?

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How to Transform Our Communities

Alright, it’s time for a thought exercise. I want you to play along for a few minutes, if for no other reason than to humor me. If this weren’t in written form, I would ask you to close your eyes and visualize what I’m about to describe. But alas, we’ll give a little grace if you refuse to close your eyes for this one…


Here goes:

Imagine you’re standing on an overlook, staring across a vast desert valley. In the distance, rugged mountains cradle the valley with strong and dry arms.

As you look at the valley floor, you see it covered with desert chaparral – dry, brittle brush that thirsts for heaven’s rain. Swaths of the desert floor are bare, showing the evidence of rivers that once flowed many ages ago.

Can you see it?

Can you smell it?

Can you feel the warm breeze press against your face?

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Achilles is more than just a Greek warrior

I’ve found I have two gods: Comfort and Productivity.

Comfort often takes the form of fun and pleasure, while Productivity is often masked as efficiency.

A few days ago, those gods were exposed in a single, painful act: while playing basketball with some friends, I felt something hit the back of my leg, just below the calf. Simultaneously, a loud sound, similar to that of a softball hitting a wooden wall, emitted from the same spot on my leg.

In mid-crumpling action, I glanced behind me to see what hit me, and when I realized nobody and nothing, was there, I immediately knew: the Achilles tendon had just ruptured.

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True North (How to Find Perfect Peace)

“You shall have no other Gods before me.”

When I hear this first commandment, something in me is stirred; a stirring that speaks of something magnificent and weighty in its simplicity.

Something that says that if we could get that first commandment right, we might not need the other nine.

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